Thursday, May 24, 2007

Josh Hancock's dad needs to get a grip

Not only is he suing the restaurant where Josh Hancock drank for over 3 hours, but he's suing the driver of the stalled car and the tow truck that was trying to pick up the stalled car.

This is just ridiculous. Sure it would seem as if the restaurant shouldn't have let the idiot drink so much - but they didn't force the liquour down his throat. If they'd said, "no more drinks" he'd just have gone to a bar and gotten sloshed there. As someone on the message board at this story said, some people can be drunk as skunks and not show it.

Josh Hancock is to blame for his death - no one else is. His dad should just realize that - but of course he's got the chance to get millions of dollars from these people - or from their insurance companies, rather...and of course all that money will repay for the loss of his son.

If he does win a big settlement, I hope he starts a foundation for Dads on how to teach their sons not to drink and drive...

1 comment:

Nancy from AZ said...

The comments I've read say pretty much what I'm feeling--this father has a lot of nerve! I'm almost afraid to post here for fear he may sue me too! I am so sick of people suing others for anything and everything. This father has taken away what little dignity his son had after driving drunk with no seat belt, talking on a cell phone, and having drugs in his car! I felt badly for him prior to this move in spite of all his poor choices, but now I can see that his father was most likely an enabler in his life and has now made him a pathetic loser with a money-grubbing father. It's sad and shameful!