Sunday, May 20, 2007

Floyd Landis

I picked up the June 2007 issue of Bicycling yesterday, the one with FLoyd Landis on the cover and inside, making like a boxer. This magazine of course came out before the revelations of 5/18-19/07, that someone in the Floyd Landis' camp attempted to blackmail Greg Lemond into not testifying by threatening to reveal that he'd been sexually abused as a child.

Now, I really haven't been keeping up with this saga. I had hoped Landis was innocent but didnt really believe it, any more than I believe most of the athletes who say they "accidentally" ingested steroids.

Certainly the drug testing program needs work [I wouldn't trust a lab in France very much at all..]- but then every program where reporters learn information from people "close to the subject" who don't want to reveal their names because they don't want to get into trouble, needs work. [That's not like whistle blowers at businesses where public safety is affected, where this needs to be done, but in the world of sports, it's disgusting and those people should be found and upended into a toilet bowl for a swirly.]

Anyway, how stupid are these people that they'll try to blackmail someone to keep him from testifying? Especially about something like child abuse - as long as he's the victim and not the abuser, why should he be ashamed about it?

Did Landis know what his camp was doing in this regard? Is Lemond going to sue the jerk who phoned him for millions of dollars? [I'd be surprised if he doesn't.]

Does anyone care, or do people read it like they watch the Jerry Springer show, in fascination at how people make complete idiots out of themselves and don't even apparently realise it.

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