Friday, January 2, 2009

The new Gatorade commercial - crap!

How do you know a Gatorade commercial? Athletes running around, then refreshing themselves with the drink in the green bottle, eh?

Take a look at this - and tell me, if you hadn't been told it was a Gatorade commerical - would you even know it?

They're talking about something called "G". No mention at all of the fact that it's a Gatorade commercial, no sight of a Gatorade bottle, plus there's the bad taste of a very frail Mohammed Ali...then the weirdos in the faceless hockey masks at the end.

If I drank Gatordate, I'd stop drinking it after seeing this commercial.

And after a little research, I find that the whole blogosphere is talking and praising this ridiculous commercial!

"How clever of Gatorade," they say, "to not specify what they're advertising, so that peope will go to the web and search under "Lil Wayne" and "G" to see what it is."

Something that would never have worked without the internet so people could actually do that.

But I have to admit I'm surprised. I thought it was a repulsive and stupid commercial - just various athletes standing around while the camera pans past them, then the three guys in masks at the end doing the sinuous arm thang. Just looked stupid.

1 comment:

Jeremy said...

I absolutely hate this commercial. The three mimes or whatever at the end look more like something out of a horror movie. I actually don't like the whole "ghettoization" of such a product - guess it's trying to reach a particular demographic, but it doesn't inspire me to buy Gatorade. Gatorade has made better commercials in the past.