Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The video of Shaq dissing Kobe

The clips have been making the rounds of the various sports talk shows and can be seen at Youtube - or in the link below.

I must say I'm disappointed in Shaq. His behavior displays a distinct lack of class ...

I never liked him as a player. The referees gave him 99% of the calls, and in the unlikely event that he was ever called for a foul - he'd whine about it. "The only way to beat me is to cheat me."

Then a few days ago the news came out that Shaq wanted to help people in Florida facing home foreclosure, by buying up their mortgages. And I thought... classy guy.

And now we get this.

He calls Kobe by the "n" word. (And why Mike Freeman thinks *that* makes him an "Uncle Tom" I do not quite understand...any more than I understand why black rappers can get away with using that word, and derogatroy comments about women, and advice to kill people, including the police, and that's excused because it reflects the "black experience.") I dunno...if that's the black experience, in this day and age (1970s onward) where racism is not tolerated, and welfare is ladled out, seems to me they have only themselves to blame for their "plight," and this new black experience is not one to be proud of.

Interestingly, none of the comments - on this video at least - mention his use of the "n" word at all. I guess it's just not important...

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