Monday, October 22, 2007

What is it with guys? And gals?

The following is a link to Jason Caffey, an ex-basketball player who has fathered 8 children by 7 different women. He was only married to one.

Jason Caffey

Of course there's many factors at work here. He had to pay child support based on his earnings as an NBA player, and that money wasn't reduced once he retired and his income plummetted. (A lot of guys are taken to the cleaner like this, which is unfair. A guy shouldn't have to live in his car so that he can give all his money to his ex-wife and kids, when his ex-wife has a job and is making good money herself.)

But he's not the only "baby daddy" going around populating this planet with children whom he can't support. Travis Henry is another one with eight kids or so...Jeremy Kemp has about 12... and all of these are to women to whom he was not married.

Now, what I want to know is, after these guys have fathered about four kids, and if they're not going to wear a dollar condom, why oh why do they not just get "fixed?" They've already proven their virile, surely no one will hold it against them if they get themselves "fixed" after they've proven that fact?

But then there's the women. As a feminist, I believe that if a woman wants to have a child out of wedlock --- and can afford it so she will not be a burden on the welfare state -- then fine, have a child. But I have to admit I wonder if these women deliberately get pregnant so they can have a meal ticket for the rest of their lives.

I wonder if its possible to do a bit of research into these mothers, find out what their financial status was before they had sex with a certain athlete - without protection of any kind, apparantly (hello STDs as well as pregnancy) - and what their financial status is now. How many are professional women who use that child support money to support their kid, and how many sit at home living off the child support payment while the kid goes hungry?

Would be intersting to know.

But really, the father is the one really to blame. If he's too stupid to see what these women are doing to him...well, then he's pretty stupid.

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