Sunday, February 3, 2008

$1 Mil a minute and this crap is the best they can do?

I've been watching Superbowl 42. Game's good, commercials are lousy.

TO see them:

Superbowl Commercials at Myspace - NFL's official site

I have seen at least three commercials that were sexist and demeaning to women - including one in which an extremely plain young woman (made up to be extremely plain, not really extremely plain) draws all eyes, because instead of wearing perfume she wears cashew nut aroma)

and a commercial in which a lot of immigrants with furrin accents are being taught how to pick up women... and of course the winner is a short, plain Korean guy with a beautiful blond model, all because he knows how to say Bud Light. Can't believe immigrant groups aren't going to make a fuss over was demeaning!

On a brighter note, looks like the Giants defense came to play....

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